Further south on the island, flying from inside the city. Every inch of land is being used to grow something. The drive down featured enough potholes to bend the truck's anchor point and tumble the basket onto the road. Then our Great Wall pickup truck started overheating and we stopped 7 times for it to cool and refill with water. We are flying with Butane pressurized with Nitrogen refilled from other local cyinders held upside down. Yellow flames, grouchy pilot lights. Housecall yesterday from Stumpfs Late Night Burner Repair Service. The very clogged pilots are burning bright again. Thanks Paulballoonman Stumpf!
People are all happy and friendly here. Wonderful place, feels like another world. Children are so excited by the balloons.Today we did a group landing together of 3 balloons in a small field far from homes and there were hundreds of people with us before we could deflate.
Pleasant weather with a thunderstorm every afternoon. Worried I'll never get my laundry back from a few days ago as the solar and wind powered drying scheme keeps succumbing to rain...